Dance Talks Live! 24/25 Courses

Classes begin October 1st

Registration links and info below EARLY REG THROUGH SEPT 20

Held on Zoom, recordings both video and audio will be made available after the class.

Kids/Teens Age 12+ Tuesdays 6:30-7:15PM EST

Adults Tuesdays 7:30-8:30PM EST

There are 3 choices for registration:

1-Oct only

2-Full fall semester Oct-Dec

3- Full school year (Oct-March).

Space is extremely limited so it can truly be an interactive class (it is not a webinar).

  • From Bullring to Grave: Giselle, Raymonda, Carmen

    October 1-22

    One of the greatest ballets of all time: Giselle a masterpiece of the story ballet’s. Let’s learn the story, how women’s new place on the stage contributed to its rise and look at different dancers’ interpret the main roles. 

    Raymonda, one of Petipa’s classics choreographed while he was under the Czar’s patronage, later created in a distilled version as Balanchine’s Raymonda Variations.

    Finally, we’ll arrive in the neoclassical ballet Carmen. Carmen, unlike Giselle does not meekly go towards her sad fate. We’ll look at the different versions (musically and choreographically) of this ballet. 

  • Dances For The Temple: La Bayadere, Don Quixote, Serenade

    Oct 29-Nov 19 

    La Bayadere’s Shades Scene is choreographically a classical masterpiece. We’ll learn the original story and then take a look at the role of the real life temple dancers in society (La Bayadere means temple dancer).

    Don Quixote: Choreographed by Petipa and later by Balanchine as an homage to his love for Suzanne Farrell. A comedic and beautiful ballet, a joyful dance parade if ever there was one. We’ll learn the story and some of the great dancers in the main roles.

    Serenade: One of the most mystical and haunting ballets of all time. A plotless poem, a shooting star, one need not know anything about it to enjoy it.

    What was going on on the world stage that allowed this ballet to come into being? Who was it first made on? What are the time capsules still living in the choreography?

  • Dance & Politics (Plus bonus Nutcracker class)

    Nov 26-Dec 17

    This topic is brimming with great stories! You may know that Ballet has been closely woven into politics since its beginning in France under the Kings and Royal court, but did you know this is also true in many other places including the US, Russia, Cuba, Turkey and even Iran?

    Lincoln Center was created in competition with the Soviets, Prima Ballerina Maya Plisetskaya was accused of being a spy, Prima Ballerina Margot Fonteyn tried to help overthrow the Panamanian government...

    Join us for this fascinating topic. We’ll take a look at the political climate and the lives and dances of the great dancers involved. 

    Then for a change of pace before we break for 2 weeks, we have a bonus Nutcracker through time class. Taking a look at the different versions of the story and how the dancers and dances have evolved over the last century. 

  • Dancing Dolls, Flaming Birds and Evil Sorcerers: Suite en Blanc, Firebird, Coppelia

    January 7-28

    From the savvy Swanhilda saving her beloved Franz when he almost lost his life falling in love with a doll to Firebird, the enigmatic ballet that pivoted all of ballet’s future and jumpstarted Stravinsky’s career influencing the future of ballet & Jazz music. We’ll close with Suite en Blanc, Serge Lifar’s ballet, a scene of clean classical beauty choreographed during the German occupation. 

  • Black White and Pink: Sleeping Beauty, Balanchine’s Black and White Ballets Agon, 4 Temperaments, Concerto Barocco.

    February 4-25

    Sleeping Beauty is considered the epitome of the classical style, the essence, the GOAT, the most crystalline. Meanwhile, Balanchine’s leotard ballets we (and still are in many ways) the most modern, void of story and character, filled with rhythm and poetry. 

  • Art and Artists in Dance

    March 4-25

    What did Chagall, Picasso, Matisse, Dali, Goncharova all have in common? They were all set (and sometimes costume designers) for the ballet! Let’s take a look at their lives and works, and the ballets they were a part of.

There are 3 choices for registration: Oct only, full fall semester or full school year (Oct-March). Space is extremely limited so it can truly be an interactive class (it is not a webinar).

Refund Policy: If after 1st class you are not satisfied you will be refunded in full. You must let us know within 3 days after the class, afterwards tuition is non refundable.

Prices: Kids/Teens 12+

Oct Session Only: $79

Fall Semester: Oct-Dec $219

Full Year: Oct-Mar $419

These are early reg prices through Sept 20

Prices Adults:

Oct Session Only: $99

Fall Semester Oct-Dec $279

Full Year Oct-Mar $549

These are early reg prices through Sept 20